Apr 2021
Council registers Sparman
Photo caption: Dr Alfred Sparman with his certificate from the Barbados Medical Council granting him licence to practice as a cardiologist. (Picture by Lennox Devonish.)
by John Boyce johnboyce@nationnews.com
Keeping you connected with the latest healthcare updates
Apr 2021
Photo caption: Dr Alfred Sparman with his certificate from the Barbados Medical Council granting him licence to practice as a cardiologist. (Picture by Lennox Devonish.)
by John Boyce johnboyce@nationnews.com
Apr 2017
It's hard to cook homemade, healthy meals when you have a family that is constantly on the go. You may have to eat out, but that doesn't mean you have to eat poorly! Follow these tips to make the best choices for you and your family when you need to find a quick and simple solution.
Apr 2017
Is it time for a heart makeover? You make changes to your hair and your style, but what are you doing for your heart? There is no time like the present when it comes to heart healthy living!
Mar 2017
Suffering from a heart attack can be a wake-up call for a much-needed lifestyle change. Follow these tips for best practices on how to ease your way back into exercise after a heart attack or heart surgery.
Feb 2017
February celebrates American Heart Month. This is a time to focus on the dangers of heart disease and what you can do to stay heart healthy!
Jan 2017
Both the physical and social elements of your home and neighborhood can have more of an effect on your health than you think. There are several factors that play a role in your lifestyle choices, physical and emotional health, as well as any preexisting conditions.
Jan 2017
It might be cliché, but why not start your new year off right with a healthy lifestyle change? It's never too late to start feeling your best.
Dec 2016
As our food becomes increasingly processed, it is difficult to guarantee that you are getting all of the essential vitamins and minerals from your diet.
Dec 2016
As the holidays approach, many of us prepare for the onslaught of delicious, but heavy and unhealthy, foods that we wait all year for. Instead of preparing for a heavy meal and dealing with the consequences, why not try and make some of the typical foods you prepare a bit healthier?
Nov 2016
Men and Women are built differently, so their bodies have different needs. There are different tendencies, genetic factors, and lifestyle choices that are noticeable when seeing the difference between how men and women treat their healthcare.
Being Proactive:
May 2017
Studies have shown that that little bit of extra weight can take years off of your life span. You do not have to be on the high end of obesity to suffer from the negative health effects.
Apr 2017
Cigarettes are known to be damaging to your health, especially when it comes to heart disease. Recent trends have provided e-cigarettes as an alternative, but is there a difference in the risks?
Mar 2017
What is the best way to teach? By example! Children who develop healthy habits at a young age have a higher chance of carrying them over into adulthood. Try these tips to keep your family healthy and happy.
Mar 2017
Your heart is a muscle. It needs time, effort, and training to avert disease and reduce your risk of a heart attack!
Feb 2017
Valentine's is just around the corner. Did you know that being in love is actually good for your overall health? Many aspects of being in love promote a healthy lifestyle, and benefit your heart!
Jan 2017
Heart disease is the number one killer of Americans. But what does heart disease really mean? See the top 5 heart conditions for men and women and how you can take measures to lower your risk.
Jan 2017
2016 has been a year of loss for many well-known names in literature, music, television, and film. What is the connection between celebrity deaths and our own health concerns?
Dec 2016
A growing trend in different areas across the world is to travel for healthcare. Reasons for this may be related to costs or better quality care.
Defining “Medical Tourism”:
Dec 2016
Stress is more than just an unpleasant feeling. The negative effects on your health caused by stress are worth acknowledging.
Heart Health:
Nov 2016
Reaching 40 is a pivotal point in life. When you reach this age, your responsibilities, lifestyle, and body are all exponentially different from someone in their 20's. Here are some of the causes of common health problems, and solutions on how to keep healthy and prolong your life!