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How to Make 2017 Your Healthiest Year Yet

It might be cliché, but why not start your new year off right with a healthy lifestyle change? It's never too late to start feeling your best.

Quit Smoking: It may be tough at first but quitting smoking is one of the best things you can do for your health! Especially as you grow older, your risk for diseases increases, and smoking can complicate and increase this risk even more. Give your lungs, your heart, and your overall health a boost for 2017 and beyond with this resolution.

 Walk More: Exercise is important but it doesn’t have to mean 2 hours at the gym each day. Instead of sitting on the couch, go for a walk around your neighborhood. Take your dog or a friend, and simply replace a less-healthy activity with an active one. Taking regular walks is known to help maintain your weight, lower blood pressure, and improve balance and coordination.

Organize Your Life: This may not seem health related but a cluttered life can often lead to unhealthy choices. Often your brain can become cluttered, making it difficult to focus. You can make steps in the right direction by organizing clutter within your home, prioritizing relationships, and making time for personal health and happiness.

Make a Meal Plan: Making a meal plan is an easy way to stay on track with your health goals. By planning your meals each week you reduce the chance of eating out, which is oftentimes unhealthy. Meal planning can also help you save money! You can plan ahead as a way to ensure that you are making healthy choices. There are plenty of easy recipes out there that are simple to make ahead of time. If you are someone who eats out for almost every meal, make it a goal to start making one meal at home each week and go from there. There are also plenty of healthy prepared meal programs available if you aren’t a star chef!

Meditate: Make 2017 a year of relaxation. Life is going to keep piling on but you don’t have to let it affect your mental and physical health. Taking 20 minutes to meditate each day gives your brain and body the break it needs to renew. Try coupling this exercise with a few basic yoga moves for a healthy way to stretch and relax your body. If you have trouble sleeping at night, this is a great way to get ready for bed!

Your health is important and the new year is a great time to make a change. Try one, or all, of these tips to give yourself the motivation you need to start feeling better.
