Our Team

Fully trained and licensed to handle general medicine, internal medicine and cardiology.


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Dr. Alfred SparmanCEO

SpecialityInterventional cardiologist, Angioplasty

Dr. Sparman serves as the CEO and our lead interventional cardiologist specializing in angioplasty and the implantation of cardiac devices. Dr. Sparman is well known for his personable bed side manner and many patients feel at ease during their interactions with him. 

Dr. Dean HellerConsultant

SpecialityInterventional Cardiologist

Dr. Dean Heller is based in Miami, Florida and is affiliated with the Miami Cardiac & Vascular Institute which is a branch of the renowned Baptist Hospital. He has over twenty years of experience in Cardiology and has a true passion for his patients.

Dr. Nicole Moore-ClarkeGeneral Practitioner

SpecialityGeneral Medicine

“Patients deserve sincerity and honesty. I want them to feel comfortable and free to ask me any questions. I like being able to interact with people. I love my work environment and it’s nice to know that we are here to help people.”

Dr. Robert Paresi, Jr.Visiting Plastic Surgeon

SpecialityPlastic Surgery

Dr. Robert J. Paresi is known for his thoughtful and caring approach to cosmetic surgery. He is certified through the American Board of Surgery as well as the American Board of Plastic Surgery. His patients often respond that his easy-going manner and well-rounded experience make him their choice for plastic and reconstructive procedures. Education: Dr. Paresi completed his medical degree at St. George’s University School of Medicine followed by his general surgery Residency at Monmouth Medical Center, Long Branch, NJ.  Dr. Paresi’s plastic surgery fellowships at the prestigious institutions of Rush University Medical Center, Chicago whilst his
cosmetic surgery fellowship was at Lenox Hill Hospital, New York. Lastly, Nova Southeastern University, Florida was the last step to complete his training in Craniofacial surgery.

meet the staff

Deron DecaulGeneral Manager


Details“There are a total of 29 staff members including myself and the CEO Dr. Alfred Sparman at The Sparman Clinic.

Kathy-Ann GreenidgeHuman Resource Manager


DetailsKathy-Anne Greenidge holds a BSc in.Social Sciences from UWI Cave Hill; which encompass disciplines of Management, Political Science and Accounts.

Ann-Marie CarterDASAE Pharmacy


DetailsAnn-Marie received her Masters at Robert Gordon University in Aberdeen, Scotland and completed her pre-registration training in Bournemouth, Englan

Kristina TaylorNurse Coordinator


Details“I was born and raised in the Bronx, New York but I have Barbadian roots. I head the Non-Invasive Lab Department at The Sparman Clinic.

Shanna ToppinLab Technician


DetailsShana Toppin is a registered Medical Laboratory Technologist who began working at The Sparman Clinic from December 2014.

Kimberlee ThompsonNutrition and Cardiac Rehab


DetailsKimberlee Thompson has been a member of The Sparman Clinic team since 2010. She holds a Bachelor of Science Degree in Nutrition and Dietetics.