The Top 5 Heart Conditions for Men and Women in the United States

Heart disease is the number one killer of Americans. But what does heart disease really mean? See the top 5 heart conditions for men and women and how you can take measures to lower your risk.

How to Make 2017 Your Healthiest Year Yet

It might be cliché, but why not start your new year off right with a healthy lifestyle change? It's never too late to start feeling your best.

Quit Smoking: It may be tough at first but quitting smoking is one of the best things you can do for your health! Especially as you grow older, your risk for diseases increases, and smoking can complicate and increase this risk even more. Give your lungs, your heart, and your overall health a boost for 2017 and beyond with this resolution.

Recent Celebrities Who Have Passed Away from Heart Complications and Why It is So Common

2016 has been a year of loss for many well-known names in literature, music, television, and film. What is the connection between celebrity deaths and our own health concerns?

Many of the beloved names and faces that passed away were in their 40s or older, which is when the risk of heart disease increases. A few notable names of celebrities that have passed away from heart-related complications are Carrie Fisher, her mother Debbie Reynolds, Alan Thicke, and George Michaels.

The Top 8 Nutrients Missing from Your Diet

As our food becomes increasingly processed, it is difficult to guarantee that you are getting all of the essential vitamins and minerals from your diet. Studies show that the following nutrients are commonly low in the average American diet, which may be triggering health issues or diminishing quality of life.


Why the Growing Trend in Medical Tourism?

A growing trend in different areas across the world is to travel for healthcare. Reasons for this may be related to costs or better quality care.

Defining “Medical Tourism”:

6 Ways to Make Your Holiday Meal Lighter

As the holidays approach, many of us prepare for the onslaught of delicious, but heavy and unhealthy, foods that we wait all year for. Instead of preparing for a heavy meal and dealing with the consequences, why not try and make some of the typical foods you prepare a bit healthier?

Ditch the Heavy Cream:

Stress Could Be Killing You

Stress is more than just an unpleasant feeling. The negative effects on your health caused by stress are worth acknowledging.

Heart Health:

How Women and Men Treat Health Differently

Men and Women are built differently, so their bodies have different needs. There are different tendencies, genetic factors, and lifestyle choices that are noticeable when seeing the difference between how men and women treat their healthcare.

Being Proactive:

It may be due to stereotypical penchants set by society, but according to the British Medical Journal (BMJ), men are much less likely to be proactive about their health. They often keep symptoms to themselves or ignore them, setting the stage for more health problems to develop.

Staying Healthy After 40

Reaching 40 is a pivotal point in life. When you reach this age, your responsibilities, lifestyle, and body are all exponentially different from someone in their 20's. Here are some of the causes of common health problems, and solutions on how to keep healthy and prolong your life!

Problem: Stress

The Negative Side-Effects of Prescription Medication

Many side-effects associated with prescription medication can be more detrimental than the condition they are treating. The best way to avoid having to take prescription medication is to take care of yourself through diet, exercise, and natural preventative supplements.

Why the Push For Prescription Medication?: